Melbourne Heart FC’s community department ramped up its junior focus over the school holidays, staging a number of clinics around Victoria.
By David Manuca
Melbourne Heart FC-s community department ramped up its junior focus over the school holidays, staging a number of clinics around Victoria.
The Little Terra-s clinics, hosted by Heart superstar Alex Terra, and the Goalkeeping clinics, hosted by Peter Zois, with an appearance from Clint Bolton, were attended by hundreds of kids across the state.
General Manager, Community, Sue Crow, said the clinics have been a great success, reserving special thanks to the Casey Comets for hosting the Goalkeeping Clinic.
“We-ve been running our school holiday programs for the last two weeks. We-ve had little Terra clinics which are for little primary-aged students where Alex Terra goes out to meet them,” she said.
“The kids love the clinics. Alex is absolutely fantastic when he goes out. He doesn-t speak much English but he is still able to communicate with the children through the game of football.
“We-ve also run a very successful goalkeeping clinic where Peter Zois and Clint Bolton go out and coach the kids which sells out every single time.
“We get terrific feedback from everywhere our Game Development officers go. People really love the terrific work our club does in the community.”
Crow and the Game Development officers at Melbourne Heart are now planning clinics to be run next school holidays in September.
Some of the plans that are being looked into include a girl-s only clinic, as well as a special clinic for the Women with Heart program.
“We-re looking at running a special clinic at AAMI Park for our Women with Heart program,” said Crow.
“That will take place in the September holidays where children will get to participate in a clinic at AAMI Park and their mums can have morning tea whilst watching their kids on the pitch.”