The APL Fan Representative Group (FRG) is an initiative designed to provide a voice for fans, ensuring their views are considered in future plans for the A-Leagues.
It provides a comprehensive club-league model for fan engagement and consultation, recognising supporters as key stakeholders of our competitions.
Each A-Leagues club has its own FRG, comprising 10 or more members, who meet a minimum of four times per year. One member of each of these clubs is elected ‘chair’ and takes on the responsibility of joining the league-wide FRG.
Armed with inputs from their club FRGs, as well as insights from fan satisfaction surveys, elected chairs contribute to consultation with the Leagues on current challenges and identified opportunities.
These representatives give further insight into deep dive sessions on specific topics the League is aware of through its research mechanisms, and have the ability to contribute to co-designing solutions or initiatives.
The A-Leagues FRG’s purpose is to provide a structured forum for A-Leagues’ club fans to engage with the Leagues in a constructive manner, in an environment where ideas and feedback can be shared and discussed.
Specifically, the aims of the A-Leagues FRG can be summarised as follows:
- To set up a constructive communication channel between the A-Leagues and fans of its clubs.
- To provide the A-Leagues with a platform to discuss new ideas with fans and seek their feedback.
- To give fans the opportunity to provide club specific fan feedback, present new ideas and suggestions directly to the A-Leagues.
How are FRG members selected? How long do they serve for?
FRG Club Members are selected through each club’s own set of criteria and terms as per their own club’s charter.
Each Club FRG then votes for their Chair, who will be the representative of that club on behalf of that club’s fans to the A-Leagues FRG.
Inaugural FRG Club Chairs hold an initial tenure of 24 months from September 2023, with a rotation of FRG Club Chair position to occur on a 12 month basis each year after based on the votes of their own club FRG members.
What are the responsibilities of an FRG member?
Fans who participate in the A-Leagues FRG are encouraged to:
- Encourage fans to share and submit feedback via their own club’s “Fan Feedback Form” in advance of Club FRG meetings to ensure that the FRG is representing the voice of as many of their club fans as possible.
- Put forward ideas and make recommendations which consider the discussions had with their respective club’s FRG and take into account broader fan sentiment.
- Advise the League on matters from their club’s fans perspective.
- Constructively challenge the League.
How often does the FRG meet?
The Melbourne City Fan Group meets a minimum of six times per season.
Who are my Club’s FRG representatives?
The Melbourne City Fan Representative Group (FRG) is your voice in shaping the Club’s future. Made up of members from all backgrounds and membership categories, the FRG connects fans with the Club and provides a direct channel for open dialogue.
Melbourne City FC has elected two co-chairs and seven group members to the inaugural Fan Rep Group with a term till 1 October 2025.
Melbourne City FC – Fan Group Co-Chairs: Kathleen Crawford & Matt Mann

Kathleen has been involved in the administration of Women’s football in both New Zealand and Australia for many years. Kathleen and her family have supported Melbourne City FC Women since their inaugural year and are avid supporters of the Women’s game. With over two decades working in government, Kathleen enjoys applying her governance experience as the Melbourne City FRG Co-Chair.
Matt has been attending football matches for longer than he can walk. Growing up in England, he was a regular at Hillsborough, before moving to Australia. He is a foundation member at Melbourne Heart and has been nearly every type of member since then. Now he takes his daughter and her friends to games and is passing on his passion for the game to them.
Have ideas or feedback? We want to hear from you! Contact us at: melbournecityfrg@gmail.com