
CITC opens new pitch in Dandenong

A splash of City blue has surfaced in Dandenong recently, with City in the Community and Melbourne City FC stars Andrew Nabbout and Sophia Varley unveiling a revamped open-access futsal court on George Street last week. 

The facility is a place for all members of the community to enjoy playing the beautiful game and will also be used by CITC from January 2024 to facilitate its range of community programs benefitting local young people.  

The initiative to refurbish the five-a-side pitch is a part of the global City Football Foundation ‘Healthy Goals’ campaign, which aims to improve the physical and mental health of young people through the power of football. 

CITC has worked with various local service providers to redevelop the George Street facility and turn it into a hub for users to feel safe to connect with one another through football, with Victoria Police, and youth and employment services also involved in the project. 

Head of Community at Melbourne City FC Sunil Menon said: “We’re proud to be unveiling the refurbishment of the George Street futsal court in Dandenong.” 

“By providing a space such as this where it is safe for people to come and play, it is hoped that this facility becomes a social hub for the Dandenong community and further promotes the ambitions of City in the Community to empower young people through football.”  

“The Club is grateful for the support from Member for Dandenong, Gabrielle Williams MP, City of Greater Dandenong Council and Mayor, Lana Formoso, and Victoria Police for helping to enact this vision.”