
A message from the CEO


Dear City Family,

I wanted to write to you personally following the League announcement yesterday.

We are in an uncertain moment, all of us facing decisions and challenges in every part of our lives that we never would have dreamt we would have to make.  It’s at times like this that we are reminded of what being part of a football family truly means.

The incredible messages of support from so many of you have hammered home exactly what the true purpose of our Club is. In the midst of all of this, you have sent amazing messages of congratulations to the women’s team, you have offered to volunteer, you have asked how you can support other fans and shared messages of solidarity with staff and players. More than ever, we have all been reminded that we are part of the most passionate and connected community.  For our part, we are going to continue making sure that you are connected more than ever to this community and have access to the sport that connects us, in whatever ways we are able to do that.

We therefore want to hear from you and continue to have important conversations. You can help us to understand how we can serve our community and help out our loyal fans. All suggestions are welcome on how we can communicate better, stay in regular touch or help out those who are more vulnerable in our community.  Please email them to; info@melbournecityfc.com.au and please keep an eye on our social media and website to see these ideas come to life over the coming days and weeks.

I also know how hard the team at the FFA and the Leagues HQ are working to keep everyone updated on the current changes across the football and sporting landscapes. We haven’t given up hope on the season continuing and the goal at this stage is to reschedule games as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so. The FFA will continue to review the situation over the coming weeks and conduct a further assessment of the current season’s status on 22nd April.

In light of the postponement, I want you to know we are working through any potential impacts this could have on your membership and will provide you with further clarification after the next FFA update on 22nd April.

Take care of one another, look after your loved ones and be kind to each other. Together we can get through this and we will come out the other side a stronger and more connected football family.

Thank you once more for your fantastic support, we are all so grateful.




Brad Rowse
Chief Executive Officer
Melbourne City Football Club