
BELIEVE Video Series: Jude – Part 6


This week’s Believe video, the sixth of our seven part series, features 10-year-old Melbourne Heart FC junior member, Jude.

This week’s Believe video, the sixth of our seven part series, features 10-year-old Melbourne Heart FC junior member, Jude.

Jude tells fans about his excitement on match day, how he carries his Melbourne Heart flag everywhere and believes that if he cheers loud enough from the stands, it will help the players perform on the pitch.

The Believe video series, which commenced with Melbourne Heart legend, Clint Bolton, gives a unique insight into the club and its fans as we approach the beginning of the season.

Members and fans can also send in their own video messages of belief with the winning videos being played on the big screen at half time during the 2013-14 season!

We will be posting all the members photos on our BELIEVE Facebook Page along with bonus footage from the videos as well.


Check out our previous five Believe Videos below

Part 1: Clint Bolton:

Part 2: Matthew:

Part 3: Golgol:

Part 4: Bridget

Part 5: Mate