
Coach’s Mailbag with JVS

Welcome to the first installment of Melbourne Heart FC’s Coach’s Mailbag with JVS. Each fortnight, Head Coach John van ‘t Schip will answer questions from fans, regarding topics across the entire football spectrum.

Welcome to the first installment of Melbourne Heart FC’s Coach’s Mailbag with JVS.

Each fortnight, Head Coach John van ‘t Schip will answer questions from fans, regarding topics across the entire football spectrum.

Dear JVS,

Here-s a tactical question for you. How do you go about breaking down a team who are intent on playing the long ball game? And do you think the physical nature of Australian football is having a negative effect on our national team?


Jayan. D

Hi Jayan,

With the first question, you have to try to attack them very early from their own half. If you can place pressure in that area of the park, the danger doesn-t become an issue. It will become difficult if you let them approach halfway then play the long ball as their attackers can then take positions in the 18-yard box so you have to keep them as far as possible from your own goal. Regarding the second question, you can divide being physical into many things, there are big players, strong players, fast players so it is difficult to categorise. The most important thing to develop the game in Australia that I have seen up until is the technical aspect. The physical aspect is definitely a strength and advantage of the Australian game but where I feel progress can be made is in the technical side, improving the individual skills of the players.


Awesome to have you on board! Looking forward to seeing how your style of playing will help our players grow and the team develop!

My question is about player health and fitness. I’m a medical student and, obviously, I have an interest in health. I was wondering what kind of things Heart will be doing to not only get our players fit so they minimise the risk of injuries but also recover as fast as possible, yet also as strong as possible.

Looking forward to seeing the Heart dominate the A-League next season!

– Lachlan. W

Hi Lachlan,

We have hired a team of top quality High Performance staff who have worked in elite sport and understand how the body operates so I will have talks with them to see if there are any strategies available to ensure we can reduce the number of injuries. Also, I think especially in my training, less is more. I would prefer one solid training session a day instead of two lighter sessions as the players will be fatigued for the second session making them more likely to pick up soft tissue injuries. I believe more in the benefit of having one quality training session so the players have more time to rest and recover than having too many sessions, as there is always chance they will then be tired before the season even commences. So I believe in quality and freshness and I hope I can build that into my training.

Dear John,

Why should I become a member of Melbourne Heart FC next season? I understand that the salary cap will restrict you from purchasing players asking big money, however before I support Heart, I need to know what you, will be offering to the people of Melbourne?

Best regards,

Paul. L

Hi Paul,

Well I hope to try and bring a new, fresh kind of football in the A-League. Of course, it will not be easy, but the philosophy that we as a new club have and the way we want to play, will hopefully attract the real passionate people who like the continental style of playing. Through the signings we have made so far such as Rutger Worm, Clint Bolton, Matt Thompson and Dean Heffernan, there is real strong base to build from. It will take time and it could take a few months for the squad to really gel, but we hope to have a good start and show a different style of playing. That will be our philosophy and if the people want to see and believe in something different, that the game can be played in a different fashion, then we hope you will support our club.

To participate in Coach’s Mailbag with JVS, send a question, with your name, address and telephone number to online@melbourneheartfc.com.au

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