
Females in Football: Lucy Kennedy


As part of International Women’s Day and Female Football Week, we profile some of the Club’s female staff. Today we meet Lucy Kennedy.

What is your role at Melbourne City FC?

I am the physiotherapist for the W-League team as well as our Academy. My role focuses predominantly on injury prevention and developing our athletes whilst also rehabilitating any injuries that occur. 

What is it like to work in the football environment?

I really enjoy working within the football department, it’s rewarding to see each individual athlete develop and achieve their goals. I enjoy being part of a team of medical staff here working towards a common target and making sure everyone is at their physical peak.

There’s nothing more fulfilling than getting the win on game day and we know everyone in the team – both on and off the park – has played a role in achieving this!

Why is it important to recognise the impact of women on football club’s at all levels?

By acknowledging females in football, it allows us to understand that anyone can play any role at a sporting club, whether as a player, coach or administrator. This helps to tackle gender stereotypes allowing more opportunities for females and truly diversifying the working environment.

How important is it to recognise International Women’s Day?

It’s important as the day celebrates the achievements of women, past and present. The day also brings awareness to gender equality, gaining momentum through the ‘press for progress’ campaign.

Who has been one of your female mentors/inspirations in your career and why?

I have always looked up to my grandmother and had a lot of admiration for what she has achieved. In an era dominated with gender inequality and stereotyping, she gained her qualification in hairdressing, relocated herself at a young age and started her own business.

She defied society expectations by creating a successful career, balancing this with motherhood and achieving financial independence. She has shown me that with hard work, ambition and determination that there are no limitations to what you can achieve.