
Females in Football: Stephanie Pasley-Tyler


As part of International Women’s Day, we profile some of the Club’s female staff. Today we meet Stephanie Pasley-Tyler.

What is your role at Melbourne City FC?

I’m the Event Operations Manager, meaning I am responsible for ensuring Match Days run smoothly for our A-League, W-League and Y-League teams while also managing a full calendar of fan engagement events in and around Melbourne.

What is it like to work in the football environment?

I’ve been working in football for seven years now and organised matches all over the world. It’s amazing to see the extent of football’s reach and how it touches the lives of so many at all levels. Wherever you end up, you know you’ll find someone with a ball at their feet playing on grass, sand or mud. I’m always thrilled to see the passion in people’s faces, be it in the stands or out on the pitch.

Why is it important to recognise the impact of women on football clubs at all levels?

Women are making great strides in football today but there’s still a long way to go – gender discrimination is still a challenge that many face. I feel blessed to be part of a club that recognises its women and in doing so, is playing a part in leading the change, breaking down barriers, and wiping away the stereotypes that can work against the progression of women in the sporting industry.

How important is it to recognise IWD?

Supporting International Women’s Day is just a great way of celebrating and showcasing the achievements of women within our club. It’s one of many ways in which we are actively driving a change in mentality around women. This Girl Can is another campaign I’m proud to work on, with the aim of inspiring more women to get active.

Who has been one of your female mentors/inspirations in your career and why?

As a child, I always wanted to be Steffi Graf when I grew up… my skills on the tennis court definitely never made it but I have been creating a few grand slams of my own. She showed me that with some hard work and determination, you can achieve your boldest goals and exceed your own expectations!