With the Hyundai A-League season around the corner, Melbourne Heart FC is delighted to introduce a new addition to its digital offerings for the upcoming campaign – Injury Time.
With the Hyundai A-League season around the corner, Melbourne Heart FC is delighted to introduce a new addition to its digital offerings for the upcoming campaign – Injury Time.
Each week, Injury Time will provide you with the latest insights from the Heart medical room, ensuring you are across the latest news and information to emanate from Red and White HQ.
While rising star Adrian Zahra-s knee injury has been well documented, his remarkable return to training action and potential first team selection in the coming weeks has been one of the unsung stories of the off-season.
High Performance Manager Martin Wollin gives us his update on Adrian-s progress, and when he expects the 20-year-old to be available for Hyundai A-League action:
“Adrian is recovering really well. While he is obviously returning from a massive injury, Adrian-s recent surgeon review has been positive and everyone is pleased with his progression.
While Adrian is participating in training sessions, he-s probably operating at an 85-90 per cent capacity compared to where we would want him to be.
Ultimately he-s well on track to make a full recovery but he has a fair bit of work to do to ensure he returns to the peak of his capabilities.
In terms of his return to Hyundai A-League action, it really depends on the milestones and benchmarks he needs to meet in terms of his rehabilitation, from training to competing with the team.
His return could be anywhere from three weeks to six weeks time, but I expect he-ll be able to put his hand up back for selection and return to the hustle and bustle of competition during the earlier portion of the upcoming season.
It will then be up to Adrian and the coaching staff to determine when he gains and wins selection back to the first team.”